The Navy SEAL Memorial: The Names of Those Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice
The National Navy SEAL Museum is home to the only Memorial dedicated solely to honoring Navy SEALs and Frogmen for their sacrifice and love of country. The centerpiece of the Memorial is a bronze sculpture of a modern Navy SEAL combat swimmer. The names of all the Frogmen from World War II to today’s Navy SEALs who have died in combat and training are carved into black, granite panels on the walls surrounding the sculpture and its reflecting pool. Below are the names of the men we honor.
(1941 – 1953)
Abbott, George L. BM2
Alexander Henry Richard SF2
Allen, Kermit BM2
Anderson, Edward Wilson CM1
Audibert, Benoit Bernard CM1
Beason, Edwin Albert CCM
Berry, Ronald Albert SA
Black, Robert Armstrong QM1
Blackwood, Buress Lee MM2
Blanot, Harry Thomas CM1
Blettel, David MM1
Blowers, Ralph A. W.O. (Carp.)
Bock Jr., Leonard Joseph SM1
Bussell, John Edward ENS
Castillo, Guadalupe SM1
Christensen, Robert V. SF1
Cook, John William SM2
Davis, Paul Harrison RM3
DeGregorio, Carmine SM2
Demmer, Peter Mathew SM2
Dillon, Thomas Justin SM2
Dolan, Patrick Raymond MOMM2
Dombek, Walter Joseph SM1
Donnell, John Gerald ENS
Doran, William Robert SM2
Drew, Elmer Malcolm SM2
Duncan, Harold GM2
Eckert, Edmund P GM2
Esau, John Jacob COX
Fabich, Henry Samuel GM1
Fleming, Andrew Jackson CEM
Flemming, Joseph Leo CM2
Frey Jr., Edward Ivan LTJG
Fuller Sr., John Anthony GM2
Gamache, Wilfred Dolar CCM
Gordon, Paul Eugene SF1
Gouinlock, George Linzy ENS
Goulder, Preston Hardaway GM2
Greenfield, Edward Joseph SM2
Guess, Teddy O’Brian MM1
Harang, Richard David MM1
Herring, Clifford Palmer GM2
Hickey, Arthur Burton QM3
Hilke, Earl Everett MM2
Holtman, Orvid J LTJG
Hopkins, Robert Lee CM3
Howe, Kenneth E. LT
Hudson, Alton E. BM1
Irish, Edgar William GM1
Jacobson, John A. CBM
Jarosz, Edward Anthony SF1
Kalman, Louis Emery GM2
Kasman, Brennan W. MM2
Lauderdale, Kenneth Broughton SF1
LeBlanc, Lawrence Raymond SF2
Lewis, William Robert SM3
Lynch, Francis Joseph COX
MacMahon, John Churchill SP1
Maki, Eugene Elmer CM3
Malfeo, Marvin Antonio ENS
Masden, Charles F. SM1
McDermott, John Daniel MM1
McGeary, Donald Crane SF2
McKnight, Thomas Rex GM
Mecale, John BM2
Millis Conrad Clarence CCM
Mingledorff Jr., Ozie Claud GM2
Murphy Jr., Edward Dennis LTJG
Netz, Louis Gustave GM1
Nixon, Thomas Dervus ENS
Olive, Jesse D. GM2
Olson, Richard Roderick SM1
Perkins, Frank James BM2
Pienack, Raymond Rudolph GM2
Pirro, Carmon F. LT
Prall, Carroll Bert GM1
Rodman, James Emerson MM2
Rodriquez, James Lawrence MOMM2
Roeder, Howard Livingston CGM(M)
Rossart, Joseph William MM2
Runnels, Adrian SM1
Satterfield, Paul Veston ENFN
Scoggins, F. P. SK1
Sugden, William Lloyd GM3
Sullivan Jr., Maurice Francis SM2
Sumpter, Frank Warren MOMM3
Szych, Chester MM2
Tascillo, Matteo COX
Tilton, Edward MM2
Vetter, Alvin Edward LTJG
Wannamaker, Richard C ENS
Watkins, Thomas Jackson EM1
Weatherford, Milton Parker GM1
Weckman, Lawrence Ivan GM1
Weidner, Albert Garhardt SF2
Willbanks, Herman Delmar FM1
Yates, Lee Carlton LTJG
(1954 – 1989)
Acker, Glen Curtis BM1
Albrecht, Joseph Alfred MM1
Allard, Robert Leslie RM3
Antone, Frank George SN
Ashton, Curtis Morris AE1
Birky, Harold Edwin FN
Blackiston III, Slator Clay LT
Bomar, Frank Willis ENC
Bond, Richard David QM3
Boston, Donald Earl IC3
Brewton, John Cooke LTJG
Brown, Gordon Curtiss EMC
Butcher, Kenneth John MM1
Casco, Joseph M. RM2
Chester, David A ENS
Choi, Rodney Gilbert EN1
Coates, Richard J. SA
Collins, Michael Raymond LT
Condon, Robert Eugene LCDR
Connors, John Patrick LTJG
Cunningham, John Randall ATN2
Devine, David Eugene SFP2
Doheny, Richard William HT2
Donnelly III, John Joseph RMSN
Dowd, Timothy Clement SA
Dry, Melvin Spence LT
Dubak, Douglas R FN
Durlin, John Stewart SM3
Eskotter, Anthony Willis SA
Fauls Jr., Raymond A. SN
Fay, Robert Joseph CDR
Fleming, Robert R. CM2
Fox, James Earl PH3
Fraley, Eugene Thomas ADR2
Frederickson, Delmar D. SM1
Funk Jr., Leslie Harold SM3
Fusco, Arthur Albert QM3
Geiger, Leroy Calvin MMFN
Gibson, John Walton LTJG
Goodson, Richard Calvin GMT2
Gore, James Raymond BM3
Gough, Marcell Rene ET1
Greer, Richard Allen HT3
Hall, John Francis BTC
Harris, Mark Ewen HTFN
Hersey, Gary Francis MR2
Horn, Richard Michael EN2
James, John Mike SA
Keith, Roy Benjamin SN
Kelly, Paul P. FN
Lancaster, John Michael MM2
Langelier, Daniel Philip STG2
Lundberg, Kevin Erin QM1
Machen, Billy Wayne RD2
Mahner, Lin Albert HM1
Mann, Daniel McCarthy LT
Marshall, Walter Alan SA
Martin, Peter Anthony GMG3
Mattingly Jr., Harry Albert GMG1
McAllister, Thomas Anthony GMG1
McCarthy, Joseph Frank GMG2
McConathy, Steve R. BMC
McFaul, Donald Lewis ENC
Melochick, Melvin F. MM3
Meyer, Lowell Wayne MM2
Moe, Lester James TM1
Morris, Stephen Leroy HT1
Neal, Ronald Keith RM3
Nicholas, David Lamprey LTJG
Pace, Ronald Earl QM2
Painter, William Gissal LTJG
Palma, Luco William SN
Patrick, Donnie Lee CS1
Phipps, George Thomas BM1
Pope, Walter Glenn BM1
Ramos, Roberto ABH2
Risher III, Clarence T. AMH2
Riter, James L. EM3
Robinson, William Clinton ENS
Rodriguez III, Isaac Georgetti TM2
Sadilek, William Louis LTJG
Sadlik, John E. ATR2
Salas, Joseph O CE2
Samuelson, Leroy Oscar SA
Schamberger, Robert Rudolf ENCS
Schaufelberger III, Albert Arthur LCDR
Solano, Richard John MM2
Squires, John James EM1
Station, Paul Christopher LT
Thames, James Franklin LT
Thomas, Toby Arthur FN
Tilghman, Christopher BM1
Tinnin, Eugene Sanford CWO1
Tolison, James Paul ENS
Trani Jr., Frederick Eugene LT
Turner, Dennis R. IC2
Van Hoy, Kenneth Edward ATN1
Wagner, Robert Kay SK1
Walsh, Clifford Leroy SA
Waters, Franklin Gerald Jerry BM1
Watkins, James Lorenzo EM3
Williams Jr., Arthur C GMG1
Williams Jr., Lawrence C. HM3
Wilson, David Allen SMC
Wolfe, Richard Ogden HM1
Worthington, Robert Leroy HMC
Zillgitt, Donald Henry SK2
(1990 – Present)
Axelson, Matthew Gene STG2
Bearden Jr., Michael Delane PR3
Beiriger, Bryan Christopher SOCM
Benson, Darrik Carlyle SO1
Bill, Brian Robert SOC
Billings, David Earl GMC
Blais, Rock Edward LCDR
Bourgeois, Brian Michael CDR
Bourgeois, Matthew Joseph HMC
Brittingham, Christopher Paul SO1
Brown, Adam Lee SOC
Burkhart, Chad Michael GMG2
Campbell, Christopher George SOC
Carter, Mark Thomas SOC
Cavner, Bradley S. SOC
Checque, Nicholas David SO1
Clearwater, Carl Jerome STG1
Danielson, Scott Michael HT2
Dean, Carter Myers GMG2
Dietz Jr., Danny Phillip GM2
Ebbert, Kevin Richard SO1
Ernst, Michael Thomas SOC
Faas, John Weston SOC
Feeks, Patrick Delaney SO1
Fitzhenry, Theodore Dilworth HMCS
Flynn, Sean Michael SOC
Fontan, Jacques Jules FCC
Freiwald, Jason Richard SOC
Ghane Jr., Shapoor Alexander SO2
Greppin III, Ernest Haquette LTJG
Grube, Devon Jon SO1
Hardy, Nathan Hall SOC
Harris, Joshua Thomas SO1
Healy, Daniel Richard ITCS
Hebert, Edward Stephan SOC
Houston, Kevin Arthur SOC
Job, Ryan Curtis SO2
Kaloust, Jonathan H SO3
Kantor, Matthew Geoffrey SO2
Keating IV, Charles Humphrey SOC
Kelsall, Jonas Benton LCDR
Kimura, Keith Masao HM2
Koch, Michael Eugene SOC
Kortz, Jason SO3
Kristensen, Erik Samsel LCDR
Langlais, Louis James SOCM
Leathers, Matthew John SO1
Lee, Marc Alan AO2
Lewis, Jason Dale SO1
Lewis, Seth Cody SO1
Looney, Brendan John LT
Lucas, Jeffrey Alan ET1
Maestas, Mario Gabriel IT2
Marcum, John Wayne SOCS
Marihugh, Brett Allen SO1
Marston, William Blake SO1
Mason, Matthew David SOC
McGreevy Jr., Michael Martin LT
Metcalf, David Richmond LTJG
Milliken, Kyle Jeffrey SOCS
Mills, Stephen Matthew SOC
Miranda, Denis Christian SO3
Monsoor, Michael Anthony MA2
Moreland, Theodore Michael QMC
Murphy, Michael Patrick LT
Nelson, Caleb Andrew SO1
O’Neill, Brad Michael BMC
Oswald, Peter George CDR
Ouellette, Brian Joseph BM1
Owens, William Ryan SOCS
Patton, Shane Eric MM1
Peters, Remington J. SO1
Pittman, Jesse Daryl SO1
Pope II, Jerry Oreall ENS
Price, Job Wilson LCDR
Pruitt, Jason Early BM2
Ratzlaff, Thomas Arthur SOCS
Reeves, Robert James SOC
Retzer, Thomas Eugene IC1
Roberts, Neil Christopher ABH1
Robinson, Heath Michael SOCS
Schwedler, Joseph Clark SO2
Shadle, Brett David SOCS
Sheehy, Sean Patrick BM1
Shellenberger, Eric Floyd SOC
Smith, Adam Olin SO2
Spehar, Nicholas Patrick SO2
Stimson, Tyler Sevigny SO1
Stone, Larry Allen YN2
Stone, Seth Anthony CDR
Suh, James Erik QM2
Tapper, David Martin PH1
Taylor, Jeffrey Scott HM1
Thomas, Collin Trent SOC
Tucker, Brad Keith HM1
Tumilson, Jon Thomas SO1
Vaccaro, Lance Michael SOC
Valentine, Thomas John SOCS
Vaughn, Aaron Carson SOC
Voigt, Steven Mark AW1
Warsen, David John SO2
Weiss, Mark Alan LT
Wilkinson, Chad Michael SOCS
Wilson Sr., Mark Russell LT
Woodle, Ronald Tyler SO2
Workman, Jason Ray SOC